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$olar Credits

The day i hung my laundry out to dry.


A day i took slooooow.


Plenty of breathing and the reassuring thought i had nowhere to go or be just seeing what came to me after each necessary action like yoga, dance, ballet or finding my way




Then, eventually, to the kitchen where i ate the basis of what I've been eating for the last 3 days.. but this one was different, 


it hit,


it was garnished.


The sun soaked me in and i was stuck right between walking the 500 feet to the beach, taking my surfboard and plunging my feet into the cold currents,


invigorating my soul,


the soul,


decided to stay in the backyard and play a tune on the Spanish guitar


so that's where we are


surrounded by:



drying laundry 


basked in:


sun rays

dove sounds


as they make rounds between their roost in the redwood and the feeding perch in the neighbors yard


knowing they stay there of course because they know there will be food.


tethered to the moods.


i strum like i meant it and the coo's become a melody,


the crows circling in attack formation almost look.. friendly 


until i think no they are not.


Then my roommate offered me a cup of chai, homemade with pasteurized milk, 


and i was tethered to hear his story.


'So what is Diwali?' i asked


5.5 hours later (SpongeBob transition voice)


we had covered every topic from the last 4000 years, 


me, mostly all ears,


as he packed the pipe my sister bought me, the Gandalf Green one, with some green my aunt bestowed me


and we sparked up another round of why Narendra Modi was an ok prime minister, defending the rights of Indians, he would not attack 1st and any belief that he was anti-muslim stemmed from alt-right sensationalized media.


Then came existence, God as source, the Matrix, AI, the coming apocalypse and modern day monkeys.


(i keep getting these thoughts when im in big industrialized city centers that we are all lil apes walking around with itchy clothes on, faces stuffed in phones, just looking for mates to fuck and stuff to stuff our face, sniffing breathing, walking the concrete jungle. Its a trip to see people swinging their arms like we did on the sub saharan plains, not much has changed with the brain)


Sprinkle in some Indian mythology, a brief Hanuman appearance,


and you find me awkwardly strumming the guitar with


cold fingers

and a full brain.


You can see the day leaking out of the twitch in my right eye.


Someone said 'food' and i thought


"am i hungry?"


better give it a try.


Now i am wrapped around a bowl of homemade pumpkin spiced curry pumping spoonfuls in my pie hole to still try and make it to ritual Friday night jazz.


Elektrik is playing,

she might miss me.


As i choke down the life extending mix of cuisine i ask Owen (other roommate) a thing,


'how much light does my plant need?'


he is the man who previously, from the hole above his red beard, right under his elf green eyes said, no lie,


'he would die for "native plants" '


but as soon as i get the chance i cut short his hypothesis about what the plant needs and leave, taking off for my parents night out from my baby.


it is 6:57, the bus arrives at 7:01


i stride down the walk that is lined in the center with eucalyptus. They grow like spiked hair out of a fresh shaved armpit, no care that they are not native, choosing not t0 share water 




i arrive at the bus stop. it is 6:58


i must have been going the speed of light.


and time is funny this time of light right before we reach spring 


I've been hearing 


'this is the coldest winter folks remember'


all the more special i was able to use the solar credits to dry the laundry i made through escapes to the outside world. 


This is what i want to tell Marty,


the 8 year old, whose Mom is next to me in the drivers seat as he coughs out a speech about how


'if we all had electric cars the earth would not be feeling us so hard'


but i am tired and my mind is still reeling from Ro's download 


so i let him spill out his Gavin Newsom approved rhetoric 


and even though i don't have a car i am glad to not be walking in the dark to my safe place,


instead we wheel away from jazz where i got to laugh and listen to how others spend their last seconds in this place, trying to play Bach in the modern day, to a crowd where some sit on eyepads, others drink their wine, all of them trying to find a gentle escape from the dreamscape we have filled with hate.


Max makes a speech and the woman next to me approves. Her kid made a stop action film with a funny shaped lemon i found on a tree outside my office. it will end up in my inbox soon. but i feel the urge to rain on the parade and say 


'it was okay' what i mean to say is 


'i could do better' even though there is no winning the war



what s in store will happen.


the momentums set. we all fighting the uphill battle love to forget


we are not in control


powers greater than us have checked out


nobodies at the controls


so whether we crash


cannot be helped


ill air out your laundry if you need some help


i got the ear


i laugh when i hear 


'you are a good listener'


i breathe slow


i hope she know that i care 4 her. this great blue green ball 



i hope she knows for that is all. 


the half moon day i aired out my laundry until mary got involved.


eiei o


PS just so u know i did get it folded and put away at the end of the 5 hour stay. also put my sheets on my bed, YES! great success. they smelled different not coming out of the dryer.


consider hanging your laundry to dry outside if you are crunchy and have the time and don't mind the missing dryer smell and care about energy use or even think about the abuse we put onto the place we call home all in a days thought not too much i hope

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