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Occasionally I will smoke
On Occasion I will drink
and the other times
I think

Prior to my fall I was what Dad would consider perfect. Athletic intelligent handsome straight. He saw me in my ultimate ego form. 2 Dogs. 


The one who could walk in a room above all. Or so it seemed. His perfect son till he turned queen.


This me still exists. Floating upwards in thermals of hot air, billowing from illusions of self. A light blue backdrop to disguise all lies. White under my wings. I flap on. 


It did not take long for this to fall. The hat to drop. I became an addict. Abusing my form & mind. I used my physical image to pillage female attention. hell became my ascension. My current detention.


I detest responsibility. I cling to the thought of becoming free. I forgive no one, especially not me. I look down on others as if they could not see. Not like me. Separate god. Selfish hog.


I am the mosquito.

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